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Ten tips for writing RSS

By May 24, 2011May 1st, 2013No Comments

Remember the days when getting an email was an exciting adventure? Now, though, it seems that our mailboxes are as full as our inboxes–spam, emails, a bevy of unwanted (and often unasked for) information. Corporate servers and personal inboxes alike are being overwhelmed.

The good news is that it’s changing. You’ve probably heard about how RSS writing is redefining the way you communicate with decision makers via the web. And it’s true.

A really simple primer

We’ve created a short primer to show you the best way to create RSS for your business so you can lessen the inbox overload and communicate more effectively. As decision makers combat spam with increased corporate security and filters, your messages won’t be lost–they’ll be actively subscribed to if you create appropriate RSS feed information.

Here are a few of the favorite tips from Write2Market professional writers on creating effective RSS:

Brevity is the Soul of Wit: In other words, keep it simple. Remember, RSS writing showcases headlines. You want to be brief and you want to be bold! It’s especially effective if your headline is provocative. Here are some recent examples:

  • Better than Google? (A case study on white paper marketing.)
  • Is the US Turning Left? (Cover story in The Economist)
  • Six Ways To Save

Announce, Don’t Push: When you create RSS, there’s no need for pushy advertising. Remember, you know who you’re writing to–don’t underestimate that importance. RSS is subscription based–it’s better to speak to your audience intimately, as part of their in crowd.

Be Genuine. Over-the-top-salesy isn’t going to cut it in RSS feeds. When you create RSS headlines, you want to maintain your own unique voice and tone.

Know your market. Because RSS feeds are targeted to subscribers, you don’t have to worry so much about broad appeal. Write to your market, and you’ll find your [intlink id=”1432″ type=”page”]RSS writing[/intlink] goes a long way.

Keep it Current. RSS writing is in the moment. Make sure you’re familiar with language and terminology. You don’t want to be talking about “the RSS” or “the Interwebs.”

Be consistent. If you create RSS content, you can’t just plan to do it every now and again. Your subscribers are expecting something from you. By remaining timely and consistent, you can gain loyalty and leads. Don’t be out of date, be up to date! Make RSS feeds part of your weekly marketing schedule.

Look for the experts. Because your subscribers are ready to tune into you, you need to make sure you can rise to the occasion. More than anything, that means your content has to be up to snuff; better than usual, in fact. Enlist experts to help create RSS headlines that reflect real knowledge.

Guide them along. The point of RSS is click-through. Be sure to think like a subscriber; offer more information to guide them along, and make sure the RSS writing is clear and to the point. In other words, every headline should be a meaty pitch in tune with your audience’s motivations.

Blog on Over. Many people find the best way to keep their RSS writing on task, is to have a company blog. You can create a blog yourself, or look to professionals to upload articles and announcements that feed directly into RSS.

Want to know more about RSS capabilities?

[intlink id=”124″ type=”page”]Contact us[/intlink], and we’ll help you redefine your online presence by creating compelling RSS.