ClientEcommerceEmail MarketingNews from B2B Tech, Retail and Healthcare Industry LeadersSmartFurniture SmartFurniture’s Email Marketing Campaign Scores Retail Touch Points SmartFurniture knows that personalization, value and a unique product are key tools for sales conversion.…adminDecember 12, 2013
ClientIndustryNews from B2B Tech, Retail and Healthcare Industry LeadersRetail ServicesSmartFurnitureSmartFurnitureTechnologyUncategorized SmartFurniture’s 3-D Tool Enhances Retail Experience Design on Demand, SmartFurniture's smart new interactive app, revolutionizes the way customers view the retail…adminDecember 12, 2013
ClientEcommerceNews from B2B Tech, Retail and Healthcare Industry LeadersPriceWaiterTechnology PriceWaiter Boosts Conversion Rates for Ecommerce Who doesn't like to name their own price? The age-old practice of "marketplace haggling" gets…adminDecember 12, 2013
Agenciesportfolio National Profile for Atlanta B2B Marketing Firm What really works in healthcare PR and marketing? RMI found out--and shares details in this…adminDecember 10, 2013
Energyportfolio Korean-backed Manufacturer Remakes U.S. Smart Grid Launching the Smart Grid the Smart Way Breaking into an industry fraught with natural monopolies…adminDecember 10, 2013