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If your enterprise, whatever its size, is investing in an industry event or conference for access to prospects to support lead generation and sales, odds are you have materials at the ready that you would like them to consume and, more importantly, forms to schedule meetings with your team that need filling.

We will presume you will hit up your prospect list, customers, industry groups and vendors through a CRM of some type like Hubspot with event notices and key, customized event content.

Included in that key content, you’ve probably got a news item or blog post about your attendance: who will be there, where they’ll be, etc. It will be even more impactful if you share what you’re particularly interested in learning and why via the program and schedule. (*Bonus points if a representative has earned a panel opportunity as speaker or moderator). As long as those things are true, don’t forget to do this to increase your visibility and ROI on the event.

Optimize the post for the event’s common name

It’s not always about the volume of visits, especially in niche enterprises and industries. In MedTech innovation, for example, there are fewer than 200 queries per month for “preclinical CRO.” But we know that almost every one of those queries is from a client’s existing customers or prospects. Also, in our clients’ realms, medical affairs organization conferences and events like “MAPS EMEA 2023” and medtech innovation events like #ASAIO23 are solid examples of events, queries, and visits from search where just a few dozen can mean new leads that might not have found you otherwise. In many cases, just one of the right representatives discovering you can yield new, game-changing revenue. 

Remember: Since you have put the time and financial resources into these events, you need to optimize your most relevant news and posts for the events to maximize value. In the right places, it is possible to easily achieve a page 1, above-the-fold ranking, and associated clicks from your target audience that consume exactly what you want them to. If the content they then find there is high quality, you’ve just made your existing content do even more to give it a chance to convert.

Get in touch

If you are looking for an ROI and results-focused partner to boost your digital marketing and lead generation efforts, let’s talk. Contact Write2Market Director, Startup and Growth Accounts Casey Stokes: